Our esteemed business partners have witnessed FEIBP congresses transformed gradually to the outstanding professional platform for the European brushware industry. And this has been the result of close co-operation with our sponsors.
GB Boucherie of Belgium and Borghi Spa of Italy, after seven years of intense and positive cooperation within the Boucherie Borghi Group, have jointly agreed…
At the annual General Assembly of the FEIBP, held on 15 October 2020 Peter Langenegger (Ebnat AG, Switzerland) stepped down as President, having served for…
A year ago we did meet in Lucerne for the 61st FEIBP congress, not aware of the current priorities caused by COVID-19. Interaction throughout the congres
In general the European governments did choose a step-by-step approach to lift the measures and this supported by the European Commission…
Due to the impact of COVID-19 the FEIBP congress 2020 was postponed to 2021. The FEIBP will arrange a virtual General Assembly.