FEIBP congress



FEIBP heading for Central-Europe.... and join for the next years’ congress.

10 Reasons to attend the annual FEIBP congress

Regular participants of the annual European brushware manufacturers congress appreciate the event as it is a great occasion for meeting your fellow manufacturers, contact your suppliers and receive up to date information on our industry.

A sponsorship package with great added value is interesting for any supplier to our industry and FEIBP welcomes new names to the growing Group of sponsors.

FEIBP proudly releases a new leaflet – in 5 language version (English, German, French, Italian and Spanish) titled “10 reasons to attend the European Brushware Federation Congress and to become member of FEIBP”

Download below the leaflets

FEIBP Leaflet 10 reasons to join English.pdf

FEIBP Leaflet 10 reasons to join German.pdf

FEIBP Leaflet 10 reasons to join Spanish.pdf

FEIBP Leaflet 10 reasons to join French.pdf

FEIBP Leaflet 10 reasons to join Italian.pdf

FEIBP sponsors
Diamond sponsors
Platinum sponsors
Gold sponsors
Silver sponsors